Big Ninja Battles

Published 27 Oct 2022
Big Ninja Battles
Thursday nights are Big Ninja Battles at Ninja Valley, where teams get physical, get active, get competitive, get social and get some headspace ahead of the weekend.

From Thursday 3rd November, we’ll be firing up our inaugural Big Ninja Battles from 6-8pm at Ninja Valley for those aged 16 and above. 


Teams of 8 compete in a circuit of fun 5-minute challenges throughout the Ninja Arena under the tutelage of a Ninja Coach, aiming to record quick times or high scores on each challenge.


Come as a team or come along as a single or a few friends and we’ll put you into teams for the evening. 


Suitable for all-comers and all abilities.


Price: $25/person


The Challenges will include;

·       The high ropes course

·       The climbing towers

·       The Ninja Gauntlet

·       The Wipe Out and basketball hoops

·       Foam pit and donut slide

·       Medicine ball trolley challenge

·       Dodgeball

·       Tug of War

·       Additional strength and conditioning elements


The evening schedule;

6:00pm - start arriving, registration and free time

6:20pm - teams briefing

6:30-7:30pm - challenge circuit with coaches

7:30-8:00pm - free play

8:00pm - prize-giving and fun awards in the cafe/deck. Food and drinks available.


The benefits of joining Big Ninja Battles;

·       Get active, get physical, get stronger

·       Get some mental headspace, clear the mind

·       Do something different and build confidence

·       Meet new people, socialise and work in a team

·       Corporate/club/group team building (ask the boss to pay!)

·       Simply, hard core fun!


Next steps;

Gather your workmates, teammates, classmates, friends and family members and register a team (limited to ten teams of 8 and those aged 16+)

Register yourself, a few mates and/or a whole team using this Form.

We look forward to seeing you at Big Ninja Battles!