Published 01 Nov 2023
Have Fun, Raise Fun-ds at Ninja Valley Hamilton
What's up Ninja Nation!
Since day one, we have understood our role in the community. We believe in nurturing our local communities across Hamilton and the Waikato, and giving back where we can.
We're thrilled to introduce a new opportunity for charities, schools, clubs, teams, and other community groups to put the FUN back in to FUNDRAISING and raise funds for their initiatives. Say hello to the Ninja Valley Hamilton Fun Drayza program!
If your group or organisation is raising money for charity, new equipment, sports tours, creation of opportunities for our youth or any other noble cause that would benefit those that need it – then Ninja Valley Hamilton is here for you.
Ninja Valley Hamilton Fun Drayza: How It Works
We have the space and the fun for 150+ guests with 30+ physical activities and challenges for the entire family and for ninjas of all ages from 1 to “mature, seasoned, senior”.
Since opening in June 2022, we have delivered 250,000 hours of play, growth, development, fun and good times to the Ninja Nation.
We understand that hosting fundraising events can be a logistical challenge, so we want to make it simpler for you. With the Ninja Valley Hamilton Fundraising program, we provide you with the stage and platform to engage your community and gather support for your cause. All you need to bring is your enthusiasm and drive to make it happen.
What do you need for our Fun Drayza?
Here's a quick rundown of how it works:
1. Choose Your Date:
Contact us to schedule your fundraising event at Ninja Valley Hamilton between 9-10am on Saturday or Sunday throughout the year. We welcome charities, clubs, teams, and other community groups to our vibrant community hub.
Click here to check availability and make a provisional booking here
2. Choose How to use your 30% Discount/Rebate
Decide what portion of the 30% you wish to offer as a discount to your members, with the balance being rebated to your organisation after the event.
For example, your members/guests might enjoy a 10% discount, while the organisation enjoys a 20% cash rebate. Or perhaps share it 15%/15% with your members? And so on.
You decide what’s going to generate the most interest/participation from your tribe.
3. Promote Your Cause: Share your Event Code with your people. Engage with them and raise awareness about your cause or event. All those that use the Event Code via online or walk-in bookings will enjoy the discount and the organisation will enjoy the rebate.
By teaming up with Ninja Valley Hamilton, you can focus on your cause while we take care of your guests/members in New Zealand’s Ultimate Playground.
If you're ready to create a lasting impact for your community, contact Ninja Valley Hamilton today to schedule your fundraising event to take advantage of the 30% rebate offer of support.
Want To Book A Ninja Valley Hamilton Fun Drayza
Click here to check availability and make a provisional booking
Or drop us an email to make an enquiry
Thank you for being a part of the Ninja Nation and for the work you do. Let's work together to create a brighter future for your cause and our people.