Spring Into Spring with 10,000 Springs

Published 01 Sep 2022
Spring Into Spring with 10,000 Springs

Hey Ninja Nation, the last few days have been gorgeous which means spring is upon us. We love beautiful weather too and, contrary to popular belief, we’re not actually performing rain dances ahead of the weekends 😅

Spring is the season of transformation, of blossoming and of fresh starts. 10 weeks ago, we brought some colour and a fresh start to Number 9 Norton Road in Frankton.

We love Spring and we love springs too. In fact, we have around 10,000 springs at Ninja Valley. They stop us from hitting the floor and launch us into the air. When you’re in the air on our trampolines, you have no other worries in the world, no other thoughts in your head. For those brief moments, we are free from distractions and the conversation in our heads. It’s a wonderful, exhilarating and liberating feeling.

Ninja Valley puts a spring in your step. Let’s all bring some colour this Spring.

Ninja G