May often signals the gateway to winter, to darkness, to cold mornings, to muddy sidelines and the switch from Weetbix and Cornflakes to porridge and toast. ❄️
However, there's plenty happening at Ninja Valley so that you all have some options and the May the Fourth be with you!
All mums are highly-skilled ninjas. We invite you to come play as a family on Mothers Day (12th May) and let us treat mum to a complimentary hot beverage of her choice.
Everybody was kung fu fighting....
In term 2, we're hosting two Ninja Boogie Nights Discos for 10-14 year olds which are open to all and another 1-2 discos for intermediate schools as AIMS Games fundraisers or end of term parties.
These are super fun drop-off events that run from 6:30-9:00pm and feature disco lights, funky tunes, dance floor fun with prizes - as well as all the usual good fun in the Ninja Arena under full supervision of the Ninja Crew.
Friday 31 May - Tweens Disco (open to all 10-14 year olds) - BOOK NOW
Friday 21 June - Intermediate Fundraiser Disco (closed event for year 7-8 students of xxx intermediate)
Friday 05 July - End of Term Tweens Disco (open to all 10-14 year olds) - BOOK NOW
Our late night Friday sessions have turned into a Pumping Pizza Party that families and all-comers will appreciate as a relaxed, end of week blast, burning energy, playing and eating together while the beats play and the disco lights add vibe and excitement.
Grab yourselves a 5-8pm 3-Hour Off-Peak ticket ($30 a single and discounts for groups of 4, 5 and 10) and a pizza for $14 from the cafe (or 4 pizzas for $44).
Push the boat out with your own Off Peak Party Room for just $50 ($90 for two hours and $120 for three hours) and roll into the weekend like an absolute boss.
No, we didn't invent Screen-Free Week... but the struggle is real and Ninja Valley is your partner and a "force for good" in the battle against devices.
In a recent highly-scientific survey, 300 ninjas 🥷🏻 awarded Ninja Valley 4.9 ⭐️ stars with 26% rating the Donut Slide as their favourite attraction. [source:]
To learn more about Screen-Free Week and access handy resources, go to