Published 05 Dec 2024
Ninja Valley Christchurch is OPEN!
Keen ninjas were lining up on our soft launch days - Thursday 28th and Friday 29th of November. By this point, many high school students have already finished up for the year. Plus, there may have been one or two super keen kids whose parents had sent a “sick note” to school. Perhaps also a few adults who took some time off work. We’re not telling.
These quieter sessions were perfect for our Ninja Crew to put their training to the test, working with guests and bonding as a team. It was unreal to see actual ninjas coursing through the Ninja Arena!
Ninja Valley Christchurch’s Big Launch
The Grand Opening. Saturday 30th November, 2024. The big day. Over the course of the entire day, more than 1100 ninjas walked through our doors!
People heard the noise first. The massive roller doors opened to the banging of drums and clashing of cymbals. Two brightly coloured Chinese lion dancers made their way into the Ninja Arena!
The loud music, bright costumes and lion performances are traditionally used to scare away any “evil spirits” and to sweep in good luck for the future of Ninja Valley Christchurch. As the two lions explored the Ninja Arena, they brought good luck and fortune with them - waggling their ears and fluttering their eyes at everyone as they passed.
Good Luck and Prosperity
Making their way through to the main entrance to the Ninja Arena, the two lions inspected a circle of mandarins. Symbolizing longevity and health for Ninja Valley, each lion took turns at ‘eating’ a mandarin before throwing them to people in the crowd. It’s very good luck if you can catch one.
Grabbing scrolls in their mouth, the lions lumped to stand up on their hind legs. As the scrolls unrolled, they revealed “Good luck” written in mandarin. The perfect message for everyone in Ninja Valley.
Continuing their journey of sweeping good luck through all of the Ninja Arena, the two lions continued down the main ramp, out towards Ninja Fuel Cafe.
Bring Out The Pig
Ninja Valley co-founders Grant and Tom met while working in Hong Kong. When opening a new business in Hong Kong there isn’t a ribbon cutting ceremony. Instead, they bring in a whole pig! The roast pig ceremony is based on an old tradition to bring good luck and prosperity. Combined with the lion dancers, Ninja Valley should be one of the luckiest places in Christchurch.
“Having lived in Hong Kong for 25 years, I enjoyed a number of lion dance ceremonies at business launches and those businesses seemed to experience good fortune. Aside from luck and prosperity, the whole ceremony is such an exciting and colourful affair that would brighten any workplace”, noted co-founder Grant.
The added bonus of having a whole roast pig was that we could share the pork with our visitors. We also brought in a red velvet cake for ninjas who prefer a sweeter option. It's proof that Ninja Valley Christchurch is the perfect venue for hosting all kinds of events.
The people of Christchurch have spoken, and they are big fans of Ninja Valley! Thank you so much for sticking with us on what has been a longer journey than we originally anticipated. We’re absolutely thrilled to be open and to see so many jumping, climbing, racing, leaping, flipping, soaring and playing throughout Christchurch’s Ninja Arena.
Ninja Valley Christchurch is open, and we are here for good.